

Belprauda is a directory of the most prominent natives of Belarus.

Belprauda contains biographies of those Belarusians who have influence not only inside the country but also outside it. Our catalogue includes politicians, businessmen, musicians, writers, science representatives, activists and other notable personalities. We plan to become an authoritative source of biographical information about famous natives of Belarus.

For your convenience, there is a biographical search built-in. 

Biographies are written in Russian and English. Each profile contains information about a person’s education and career, links to available social networks, videos and mentions on news sites. This lets you quickly familiarise yourself with the person’s activities.

We are constantly expanding our catalogue, adding new profiles and updating existing ones. Our editors regularly monitor online and print media, social networks and news sources to ensure that information is up-to-date. 

If you think someone from Belarus should be added to our list, please contact us via the feedback form. You should attach information about the person to the form according to our guidelines. If we decide the person is relevant to the site – we will add them.

If your profile is already on the site and you want to make changes, please contact us via the feedback form.

Belprauda is a project of indifferent Belarusians living both in Belarus and abroad. We are volunteers, so we work as a non-profit resource and do not accept profiles on a paid basis.